Kawsachun News


Cuba taken off U.S. “State Sponsor of Terrorism” list

The U.S. president has signed an official certification to remove Cuba from the U.S. State Department’s “State Sponsor of Terrorism” list. The document, dated January 14, 2025, ends a period of arbitrarily listing, initiated in the final days of the Trump administration and maintained all four years under President Biden. With only six governing days […]


Caribbean delegations express everlasting support for Bolivarian Revolution

Below is a declaration made by Caribbean delegations who participated in the World Festival of Anti-Fascist International in Caracas, Venezuela, held January 9-11. The event coincided with the January 10 inauguration of President Nicolás Maduro. DECLARATION BY CARIBBEAN DELEGATIONS ATTENDING THE CLOSING OF THE WORLD FESTIVAL OF ANTI-FASCIST INTERNATIONAL IN VENEZUELA ON JANUARY 11, 2025

Chile, Venezuela

Message to Boric from MIR delegation in Venezuela

Chile’s Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR) is sending a message to Gabriel Boric in repudiation of his position on Venezuela in the context of renewed foreign intervention surrounding the presidential inauguration of President Nicolás Maduro. Read the full text below. RESPONSE TO MR. BORIC Today, the inauguration of a new presidential term in the Bolivarian


Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Armed Forces swears loyalty to President Maduro

Venezuela’s military high command has categorically rejected calls for a military coup made over social media by opposition figure and former presidential candidate, Edmundo González, from the United States. Minister of Defense Vladimir Padrino López reiterated in a televised statement that the Bolivarian National Armed Forces of Venezuela will recognize President Nicolás Maduro on January

Brazil, Venezuela

Brazil’s social movements urge Lula to recognize President Maduro’s victory

Brazilian social movements and organizations penned a letter to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva asking the government to recognize Nicolás Maduro’s victory in Venezuela and respect its sovereignty. The letter, published December 26, states that a change in the Lula government’s stance “strengthens the bonds of friendship and cooperation that historically unite our two


Venezuela offers $100K reward for capture of Edmundo González

Venezuelan authorities announced a $100,000 reward for the capture of far-right leader and former presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia. According to an Instagram post by the Scientific, Criminal and Criminalistic Investigations Corps (CICPC), the opposition figure is wanted for the commission of multiple crimes, including: conspiracy, complicity in the use of violent acts, forging of

Latin America

ALBA Movements stands by Panama’s sovereignty

Below is a statement emitted by ALBA Movimientos in responses to comments by U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, in which he threatened the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Panama, and its operation of the Panama Canal. Days after a new anniversary of the Invasion of Panama perpetrated by the United States Army on December 20, 1989,


President Maduro: US-backed opposition is intent on replicating circumstances of Syria in Venezuela

With Venezuela’s presidential inauguration one month away, President Nicolas Maduro says the country’s US-backed opposition is working to create the conditions to replicate the circumstances of Syria in Venezuela.  “Looking at the events in Syria, we are witnessing the painful suffering of the Syrian people,” Maduro said. “Now, the outspoken fascist extremists are calling for

Latin America

Latin America reacts to Syria

Latin American governments and political leaders have issued statements in solidarity with the people of Syria, calling for respect for Syria’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence amid the collapse of the country at the hands of terrorist and extremist groups and amid the seizure of Syrian land by Israel. The following is a selection of

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