Human Rights Day 2024: U.S. organizations oppose sanctions on Cuba, Nicaragua & Venezuela

A week of actions demands an end to U.S. unilateral coercive measures and blockades.

U.S. organizations are observing this year’s International Human Rights Day with a call to end the cruel unilateral coercive measures targeting Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

Human Rights Day is celebrated annually on December 10, the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

A week of actions against sanctions will demand an end to the economic measures currently imposed by the United States on 40 countries, which together account for one-third of the world’s population, obstructing their right to development.

Human Rights Week events are co-sponsored by the International People’s Tribunal Against U.S. Imperialism, the Zone of Peace Campaign, the Black Alliance for Peace, Friends of the ATC Nicaragua, the Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition, the Venezuela Solidarity Network, the National Network on Cuba, the United National Antiwar Coalition, CODEPINK, Friends of Latin America, and the Diaspora Pa’lante Collective.

Events include a forum in Washington, D.C. discussing how sanctions violate human rights in Palestine, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, featuring diplomats from three Latin American countries. A petition will also be delivered to U.S. Congress, calling for an end to U.S. sanctions in the Americas, followed by a rally in front of the White House demanding the removal of Cuba from the State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list.

Kawsachun News spoke with Cheryl LaBash, co-chair of the National Network on Cuba, and Barbara Larcom, chair of the Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition, about the Americas Without Sanctions campaign, Human Rights Week, and efforts within the United States to oppose the unilateral coercive measures targeting the people of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

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