Chile’s Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR) is sending a message to Gabriel Boric in repudiation of his position on Venezuela in the context of renewed foreign intervention surrounding the presidential inauguration of President Nicolás Maduro. Read the full text below.
Today, the inauguration of a new presidential term in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela was celebrated, as planned in the electoral calendar agreed upon by the Venezuelan political forces, including the opposition. The result of the election gave President Nicolás Maduro Moros as the clear winner. This process and its result have the validity granted to them by the sovereign institutions of that country, governed by the political Constitution drawn up through a Constituent Assembly with broad popular participation.
In contrast, in Chile we maintain the Pinochet Constitution, which, after two attempts at constitutional change, without popular participation, the current government closed all possibility of its replacement, in agreement with all sectors, including the most recalcitrant right.
These are the credentials with which the President, Mr. Boric, positions himself to give his opinion on elections and democratic systems in other countries, aligning himself in essence with the most fascist sectors of the Venezuelan and Latin American right, led and financed with money stolen from the Venezuelan people by the American government.
Mister Boric is an agent of the pro-Yankee agenda who positions himself in favor of military intervention, playing in the abstract to the defense of Human Rights, when in his own country he keeps Mapuche leaders as political prisoners. Mr. Boric is not a leftist, even though he is made to appear so; he is a young neoliberal who came to power to manage the neoliberal model and to seek agreements for its improvement and sustainability. This is what the forces that support him through parliament are doing, following the political line defined by large transnational businesses.
You cannot be a leftist without being anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist. Real change can only be promoted with an organized people aware of their historical destiny, like the Bolivarian and Chavista people of Venezuela who elected Nicolas Maduro Moros as President.
MIR Central Committee of Chile Delegation in Caracas, Venezuela
January 10, 2025