
Brazil, Venezuela

Brazil’s social movements urge Lula to recognize President Maduro’s victory

Brazilian social movements and organizations penned a letter to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva asking the government to recognize Nicolás Maduro’s victory in Venezuela and respect its sovereignty. The letter, published December 26, states that a change in the Lula government’s stance “strengthens the bonds of friendship and cooperation that historically unite our two […]


Venezuela offers $100K reward for capture of Edmundo González

Venezuelan authorities announced a $100,000 reward for the capture of far-right leader and former presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia. According to an Instagram post by the Scientific, Criminal and Criminalistic Investigations Corps (CICPC), the opposition figure is wanted for the commission of multiple crimes, including: conspiracy, complicity in the use of violent acts, forging of


President Maduro: US-backed opposition is intent on replicating circumstances of Syria in Venezuela

With Venezuela’s presidential inauguration one month away, President Nicolas Maduro says the country’s US-backed opposition is working to create the conditions to replicate the circumstances of Syria in Venezuela.  “Looking at the events in Syria, we are witnessing the painful suffering of the Syrian people,” Maduro said. “Now, the outspoken fascist extremists are calling for

Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela

Human Rights Day 2024: U.S. organizations oppose sanctions on Cuba, Nicaragua & Venezuela

U.S. organizations are observing this year’s International Human Rights Day with a call to end the cruel unilateral coercive measures targeting Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. Human Rights Day is celebrated annually on December 10, the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A week of actions against sanctions will demand an

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